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Tarot of the Month: August 2021

August promises to be an exciting month full of inspiration, personal transformation and movement as our tarot card for this month is the Magician. As the numerological "one" in the deck, this major arcana energy signals the beginning of a new experience in the areas of love, money/career, creative inspiration and spiritual purpose. In my latest tarot reading, I pulled the "Ace" in all four suits of the minor arcana so "new beginnings" feels like an understatement! August is also ruled by the astrological sign Leo and so we have a natural pairing of fire, personal power and the desire to step into the spotlight on our personal stage.

Unlocking Our Inner Magician

The Magician has power over all directions and all elements, but the symbolic meaning behind this card can help us with those gaps between who we want to be and where we find ourselves. The magical power of the alchemist is within the phrase as above, so below, what we think about we bring about - so is that helping or hindering us? Ultimately this card reminds us that we are the creators of our worlds.

I envision that August will offer us tremendous work around the connection between our limiting beliefs and our undesirable circumstances. The Magician calls us to align with our values and personal mission by reviewing our consent and relationship to the exchange of energy in all areas of our life. I sense that many of us will be enduring an exciting but challenging awakening around our choices.

Mantra: I am connected to an endless supply of strength and inspiration. I have the power to transform my life.

Here are the clarifying energies that will further define where this major arcana energy will play out in our collective experience:

From the Muse Tarot created by Chris-Anne.

Discovering Your Power of Manifestation

The Page of Pentacles is a youthful character and often represents a new inspiration and dreams about to bloom. She signals the rise and awakening of the power of the Divine Feminine in your life, shifting your relationship to money, health, abundance, connection and possibility. The bud of the rose has begun to unfold. She attracts a new experience because of her inner transformation. Look at this treasure I've found within me. How am I called to share this with the world? Step into your evolution. There will be tangible new experiences this month in love, home and career. You are continuing to expand your understanding of what you are capable of and what you need to bring forward and offer to the world. Be inspired, be gentle, and co-create with spirit. Magic is about to happen!

Harvesting the Seeds of Karma

Justice signals a return, the need for balance and the laws of cause and effect that will be unavoidable this month. You will be shown very clearly the impact of thoughts, feelings and intentions on your material world. For some of you, this will be a positive shift towards coming into greater alignment with your values and your sense of worth, attracting experiences that honour you and boost your vitality and vision for the future.

For others, you will be feeling the discomfort of the world aligning to your judgment, negativity, divisive speech and self-centred action. Especially when under the influence of Leo, there can be public scandals, epic call-outs and rude awakenings if you haven't considered your impact on others. What you put out in the world will be returned 10-fold and you will be held accountable for your words and actions this month. Just remember, these events can be the necessary path to humility, spiritual guidance or therapy if you are ready to heal. Just make sure you're not grabbing the popcorn to watch Justice play out in anyone else's life!

There is also a message here that Justice is a double-edged sword. In order to be aligned with the new, there is a loss and necessary grief in walking away from what was to make way for what resonates more. Be gentle with yourself as part of realizing the truth of your power can bring up painful memories or realities of why you have dismissed it or given it away. Trust what you know to be true for you.

Protecting Your Energy

An uncomfortable element with unlocking new levels of inner power is the realization of how you have cheapened your own value, played small or not been responsible or accountable in areas of your life. It's very humbling and necessary to be confronted with this. And so there is a balance required from us in the 9 of Wands that calls us to be clearer with our limitations and boundaries. We may make a few mistakes here, that's ok. We just want to pay attention to our nudges when something feels off or we find ourselves in a pattern of undermining our power.

Let me return to the underlying shift for us: we are reviewing our consent and relationship to the exchange of energy in all areas of our life. That means if we're depleted, we need to start saying no. We need discernment of what to say a hells yes to. We need to be connected to our intuition and our bodies of when it's time for action and a time for rest. We may reevaluate our methods of disconnection or have inner dialogue such as this:

This person needs a big fence boundary, but do all people?

Do I keep attracting relationships that feel like this and if so, what's my part and payoff?

I always feel like I'm not paid what I'm worth. Why do I keep settling for this experience? What am I really afraid of when I choose < this > ?

Oooh, that's the juice worth the squeeze. I also love that this 9 of Wands came forward in the Month of the Magician. The Witch needs her Wand. Here are nine. It means we are so close to unlocking our true power, to our fulfillment of a lesson or path. We are capable and ready for all tasks ahead. We just need to see ourselves as the powerful creators that we are.

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Thank you for reading my monthly forecast on the energies influencing us at this time.

I appreciate all the wonderful humans who find my channelled messages.

You can find more of me on instagram here: @Lindsey_McNeill_Writer.

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