It is the darkest day for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, a darkness I have felt more intensely this North of 60. It is also a time for great magic! In the void, seeds are germinating. We're reflective of all that we've endured and accomplished in 2019. This is the time to see the light in the shadows. Something big wants to break through.
Unlike our usual monthly Tarotscopes, this reading will reveal a new energy that is stirring beneath the surface. What is it that wants to come to life? Find your Sun or Rising Sign below to find out.
The Moon
You must lead the way Aries, be the light for others who are lost in the dark. The Moon speaks of illusions, the Shadow, fears or the loss of impulse control under the spell of strange forces. You've been there, done that, haven't you? How can you embrace the comfort of knowing your way through the unknown? How can you demonstrate and lead others out of the woods? This is your path unfolding, a major shift in your life towards deep healing.
5 of Wands
Conflict is arising, agitation and uncertainty. It is the energy the seed needs to burst through the ground in the spring. Your path may feel unclear, your energy scattered. That is because there's a lot of change and transformation going on around you. You find your centre in all obstacles by staying out of displays of ego, dominance and control. Court the virtue of Justice - do the right thing in all situations - and embody the Stag as spirit animal medicine. Stick to your principles and do not be pulled into the shifting of wills happening around you. There's no need to battle when you do what's right - instead of struggling to prove you're right. See the difference?
The Lovers
This is your symbol Gemini, the Twins in perfect harmony. It is embracing both sides of the coin, standing at the crossroads and needing to make a choice to walk the path that lights your heart. The stirring within you is a major shift towards doing what you love, choosing the life that is divinely orchestrated for you, instead of the one that seems certain, secure and well approved of. You are called to shake off the shackles of what others think of you in order to purse your Big Dream. Are you ready?
5 of Cups
The sorrow of your heart wants to be released, transmuted and transformed. This is a gift of creating more space for deeper feelings. There is a strong connection here to a younger female, this could be a lost relationship or your inner child that wants to spring forward into a new era of softness, vulnerability and tenderness. Grief changes you when you embrace her. Whatever you had to leave behind or walk away from, know it was the right thing to do. Any injustice you've suffered, it will be corrected through the powerful presence of love. Trust.
The Son of Cups
Romance is blossoming for you now with strong unfolding energies of Motherhood (birth/creativity), building foundations (marriage, home) and Inner Strength, as you're on fire with your aligned purpose. You're learning to fall in love with Life itself. Turn up your "razzle dazzle" and attract the abundance that you deserve. Take your place as a divine messenger of the most powerful transformative energy of all the galaxies. Embody love. Give love. Receive Love.
You are developing your virtues, spiritually awakening and raising your consciousness around correct action, karma and holding space for the Truth. Often when Justice comes to us, it's an opportunity for us to think of our boundaries, where we have laid them down in order to play pretend or feel comfortable. Where we've allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of in order for approval, to feel needed, or to be in control. You are seeing these themes clearly in your life, in your actions and in those of others. What else is your life showing you about Justice? What is playing out for you right now?
8 of Wands
Inspiration strikes! A grand idea, project or creative plan wants to be born, but you have been struggling with your fears and anxiety on what this new path could mean for you. In order for you to master your potential, a part of you has to die, transform and change. What part? Your inner thoughts and negative self-talk. This creative force requires no intellectual reasoning. It is pure fire within your hands. Stop over-thinking and release your magic. The world needs your communication and creations.
7 of Wands
A fire is lit - you've answered a call to revive and awaken and now it's time to focus your energy on this one task or endeavour. I see you leaving behind an immense amount of personal darkness, (numbers 9, 7 or 8 may have significance). Themes of walking away, facing your fears/anxiety/nightmares and identifying the deception in your life, either within or without. You're finished with a difficult time, leaving "fools" behind. Trust the new path that is unfolding for you and do not look back. Do not question or doubt. Do not hold parts of yourself to the past. It's time to let go and move on.
3 of Wands
A portal is opening for you. Take time to plan, dream and create a new life for yourself. This emphasis is on your creative energies, work and finances. It's time to create your nest egg and explore personal abundance and a lasting legacy. The energy of this portal, once you step through, will blast you into the 4th dimension. Once you accept your invitation, you will be amazed at what is brought into your life - and quick! Allow the part of you that wants to explore, roam and run to be free. Do what thrills you and money will follow.
Mother of Wands
It is time for you to explore a different side of yourself. If you've experienced difficultly with your finances or find yourself feeling FOMO witnessing the life of others who are in the spotlight, stop over-riding your energetic nudges and intuition. There is different work you are being called to do. Perhaps it's the choice of a thrilled heart vs. the secure paycheque. Let me ask you... have you come this far, healed this much, to only experience what you have now? Trust the ideas coming to you. The ah-ha, the inspired thought, the truth of yourself... it's the Divine trying to reach you. What could you accomplish if you unleashed your creativity?
There is a call for balance, patience and moderation in your life. I see a desperate need for rest and to pull back on your activities - for some this is specifically talking about drinking/substances as temperance refers to abstinence. When you take a time-out for self-reflection, what you need to walk away from, leave behind and abstain from will be very clear. I feel that many of you are needing this break to strengthen your family or romantic relationships, to build yourself a stronger energetic resource and foundation. In what ways are you avoiding connection or compensating for the lack of it?
Spirit is calling you to wake up - now is the time to do and be who you are meant to. This can be frightening, to feel a shift as things end - winter itself seems to dissolve the familiar around you. Trust in the process of completion so the new can form and flourish! Good fortune, clarity and greater relationships/friendships are waiting for you. A time to feel inspired and met/matched is upon you - but you need to answer the call and let what's dead and gone to trail behind you. Ask yourself: where are you called to go now? What are you called to do?