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Tarotscopes for December 2020

Updated: Dec 31, 2020

Temperance is our theme of December. A healer waits for us at the end of our path. She is the guardian of a new awareness, a divine being who walks in both worlds. We are here for our initiation, but before we enter the new world she asks us, are you ready to be transformed? Are you willing to own your poison so that you can be free?

Temperance is understood as a virtue of self-restraint. Most commonly, it is referred to abstaining from alcohol, which is a card that leapt from the deck many times when spirit was ushering me towards recovery and sobriety. This may be a message for you to do the same, if you feel that nudge.

The deeper meaning of this card speaks to INTEGRATION. Here we are given a healing and perhaps an acknowledgement of our healing.

How have you been changed by this year? What holds value for you now and most importantly, how do you value your energy, your spiritual resources? These will be things to consider in December.

For a detailed description of Temperance and the influence on our lives, download the latest issue of the 12 Moons Magazine.


  • Collective Tarot Reading (5 Card)

  • Tarotscopes for All Signs

  • Learning Tarot: Temperance

  • Suggested Spread for this month.


You have endured massive shake ups and changes in your physical world and some of those changes have been very difficult, shocking even. You’ve adjusted well, adapted, but may be feeling in limbo or among the rubble. The energy you’re bringing into your next chapter is one of regeneration. I see this happening in a physical, emotional and spiritual sense. Have hope and faith that you are healing, you are expanding your power and you will feel energized, purposeful and clear about your next steps.


Take time to observe and witness the changes that are happening around you. You’ll soon realize there is much to be excited about. The Sun makes an appearance in your reading, speaking to a beautiful energy of life, renewal and expansion. Be curious about these changes as though you’re watching them from a distance. Appreciate all that has transpired on your behalf and you may notice how much the universe conspires on your behalf.


It’s very important to channel your energy into action and physical movement right now. There is great progress to be made for your health, security or business, so be assured this is time to strike while the iron is hot. You have the power to make things happen, for some that’s making the first move on a King of Pentacles (earth sign) or adopting the qualities of an abundance mindset and putting it to the test.


A Knight of Pentacles represents a helpful person in your corner. This masculine energy could be a younger sibling, friend or confidant. You need them as much as they need you. Contemplate the ways that you can be more receptive to allowing support and assistance in your life. You are often the soft shoulder for everyone else, it’s time that you give yourself permission to be the person that asks for help this month. All relationships will feel more supportive when you allow your vulnerability to lead.


The King of Pentacles is making a big impact this month, showing up in everyone’s readings. There is something special here for you however. This person is someone you have been actively manifesting, a romantic partner, a mentor, or collaborator. You have worked through your anxiety, fear, and self-doubt and your focus on finding your treasure has attracted this person or opportunity into your life. Continue with your attitude of gratitude and your spiritual wealth grows.


I sense a lot of exhaustion, stress and feelings of utter defeat have surrounded you for a while. Perhaps you are picking up the pieces, feeling bewildered and raw. It’s time to do a spiritual inventory and get down to the causes and conditions of why this happened, why you find yourself here and get curious about your motivations, protective mechanisms and issues that created this perfect storm. Self reflection brings you immense healing and transformation, so get writing.


I see a lot of images around balance, the two of Pentacles speaks of a desire to achieve while also needing rest and reflection. Be careful of pushing your own agenda or forcing a timeline. Stay centred and know that there is a divine timing in all things. It is time to work in cooperation with the universe and the divine cycles and laws, instead of pushing against them. You don’t need to force anything. Magic is working behind the scenes. Focus on what is yours to control.


This is an exciting time for you so keep your eyes open for synchronistic events, signs or new people coming into your life. There is a magical quality of serendipity that surrounds you right now. This energy manifests in your foundations: homelife, marriage, security. The 4 of Wands can speak to celebrations or special events. There is luck, good fortune and opportunities to align with your true calling available for you now.


A special message or communication will find its way to you, likely from a mother figure or Queen of Pentacles (earth sign) with good news or an exciting offer. This can be a pregnancy or a financial boost - something unexpected and possibly from far away lands. If you are waiting and hoping to receive good news, take this as a good omen.


It is time to find a greater alignment with your higher power and to be of greater service to your community and family. I see new developments and opportunities taking place, but you will be best served when you stop doing everything by yourself and be an essential part of your community. Co-creating with spirit is the energy you need for the new year. A Queen of Cups plays a role and brings great fortune. A twist of destiny is right around the corner.


There is healing for you around your value, worth and self-confidence that can extend to healing issues around your body or finances. I’m hearing “the rules apply to you too,” which means following the well-worn path to get the results you desire, staying grounded and rooted in the laws of cause and effect. Joining a group or getting a mentor who can help you with areas you are struggling with will do you good. Now is not the time to forge your own path, but stick with what works.


You are likely to find yourself in a familiar situation, repeating a pattern or playing out an old storyline that is rooted in pain, loss and trauma. Do you find yourself always dating the same kind of person or returning to experiences that don’t serve you? There is an opportunity for you to heal and grow by making another choice here. A return is a chance to practice self love and put your principles in action. Remember the saying, “nothing changes if nothing changes.” Release yourself from the illusion that you don’t have a choice. You are powerful and you can change your mind.

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